A guest/visitor (terms can be used interchangeably) is defined as a non-student, a family member, an alumnus, or another ENC student not assigned to a particular room. Eastern Nazarene College student hosts assume all responsibility for the conduct and property of their guests. Student hosts must be with their non-student guest(s) at all times unless authorized by the Safety and Security Office. If a non-student guest is found without a host or in violation of college policy, they may be immediately removed from campus. 

Guests are only permitted with the consent of a resident’s roommate(s). Students are responsible for the behaviors and actions of their guests at all times. Students are expected to communicate with each other in order to work out arrangements for guests within a shared room. Members of the Residence Life or Campus Security staff are available to assist students who may require support or guidance in working with a roommate about the presence of guests in their shared space, especially in cases where a roommate displays a lack of consideration for others or abuses the privilege of hosting guests. Individuals who have been trespassed from the College or are restricted for any reason may not be registered as a guest. Guests are only permitted to stay overnight in residential spaces for no more than two (2) nights within a seven (7) day period.  

Any individual found to be living in Eastern Nazarene College residence halls without following proper guest procedures is considered to be trespassing. Any individual found trespassing will be subject to all applicable criminal charges according to Massachusetts General Law, G.L.c. 266, § 120. 

Eastern Nazarene College is committed to the safety and well-being of minors present on its campus. Individuals under the age of eighteen (18) are not permitted to be registered as guests inside of the residence halls. Any requests for exemptions regarding this policy must be forwarded to the Director of Residential Life. Eastern Nazarene College understands that there may be times when minors may need to be present on campus. These situations may include academic enrichment opportunities, prospective student visits, or other official college programming. Regardless of the reason for their presence, all members of the Eastern Nazarene College community are expected to conduct themselves in an honest, caring, respectful, and responsible manner at all times. All interactions with minors should be restricted to public areas (Mann Student Center, Lahue Athletic Facility, etc.) and always in the presence of two or more approved adults.  


Non-student guests planning to visit Eastern Nazarene College must register with the Office of Campus Safety and Security 48 business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm) prior to their arrival via the Guest Registration Form available on the Eastern Nazarene College website, under the Safety and Security tab. Guests, accompanied by their student host, are required to show valid photo identification and an approved guest registration form to college personnel upon request. College officials, including Residential Life & Housing and Campus Safety and Security personnel, have the right to revoke guest pass privileges and/or evict guests from college property at any time. Failure to comply with a request for identification will result in immediate removal from campus and the individual being subject to the campus trespass policy.