Students are encouraged to decorate the interior of their residence hall rooms in a safe and responsible manner as a part of making their room a pleasant and hospitable residence.
As a guiding principle, room decorations must not present a fire hazard (safety) and must have a limited and minimal impact on the physical structure (stewardship).
- Decorations must not create fire hazards, prevent an egress of passage in the case of an emergency, or present other health and safety concerns are strictly prohibited. As an example, paper or cloth decorations may not cover more than 50% of a room’s wall or ceiling space.
- Decorations must be temporary and removable. Decorations may not include paint, wallpaper, or other alterations to the walls and surfaces of a room. Decorations should be attached using painter’s tape or white poster putty.
- Decorations must remain within students’ rooms/apartments. (The exception to this would be floor or lobby decorations approved by the Resident Director.)
- Decorations may not represent advertisement for alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, or tobacco. Sexually suggestive or discriminatory decorations not in accord with college values and principles are prohibited.
- Decorations must be fully removed by the occupying students at the end of their housing agreement.