ENC offers several housing options for constituencies. This policy outlines usage for each building or area. The College reserves the right to approve exemptions.

All students who are ages 16-25 at the time of initial enrollment and are enrolled in traditional undergraduate programs are required to reside on campus in designated undergraduate housing unless they meet the commuter student requirement or another exemption.

To be eligible for commuting, a student must either (a) be 25 or older at the time of initial enrollment, or (b) reside at the primary home with the parents, guardian, spouse or dependent(s) within approximately 35 miles of campus.

Each year all undergraduate students must complete an application to the housing office to communicate whether they intend to live on or off campus.  Students who intend to live on campus complete a Student Housing Application, and students who intend to commute complete the Commuter Application. 

ENC students enrolled in AGS programs, enrolled in non-traditional undergraduate programs, or who are above 25 years old at the time of initial enrollment may seek to live in designated spaces on campus as tenants (pending availability).