Generally, a student will be notified via their campus issued email of the charges and asked to meet with an assigned hearing officer. This should take place within 10 business days of the hearing officer’s appointment.

The hearing officer will open the meeting by sharing the information contained within the report and then allow for an opportunity to gather the student’s perspective on the incident. Following this, the hearing officer will ask questions related to the incident and the student’s understanding of community standards and college policy.

If a student chooses not to attend the hearing, the hearing officer will conduct the hearing as scheduled without being required to reschedule the hearing.

After reviewing the report, supporting evidence, testimony, and other information, the hearing officer will make a determination as to if a student is responsible for a policy violation (using the preponderance of evidence as the evidence standard). If a determination of responsibility is in place, the hearing officer will issue and communicate (via email) appropriate sanctions.