Since the network operates most efficiently when each user understands that they are only one user among many, activities that consume large amounts of time on a computer or in the network may interfere with the ability of others to use ENC’s computing resources or network connected services. Overuse of connect time, information storage space, or printing capacity can present problems for other users. Some examples of unreasonable use include:  

  • Use of the computing resources for computerized entertainment or games must be kept to a minimum and should not interfere with a user who needs to work on academic projects.  
  • Excessive use of the computing resources outside of specific academic assignments raises issues of concern in terms of personal time management, the effective completion of academic assignments and the dangers of compulsively spending time on the computer.  
  • Excessive use of resources for e-mail, web browsing, social media sites etc. is generally not an effective use of personal or computer time. Distribution of chain letters or broadcasting to lists of individuals in such a manner that might cause congestion of the network.  
  • Printing of multiple copies of eBooks, banners, posters, resumes, and papers. One copy should be printed.